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    Total Results: 73

    Showing: 41 to 50

    42916 - Bowling

    This favorite program is guaranteed to provide a "striking" good time. Our bowling program provides an opportunity for all ability levels to participate in this popular sport. This program includes 2 games or 1 hour of bowling, whichever comes first. Bowling ramps are available. Supervisors will keep track of participant’s bowling averages for Special Olympics. Participants must be able to wear a mask the entire time.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableBowling03/11/21- 04/29/21Th 3:00 PM- 4:00 PMOak Forest BowlItem Details
    Read NoticeFullBowling03/11/21- 04/29/21Th 4:15 PM- 5:15 PMOak Forest BowlItem Details

    42919 - Let's Dance

    Let's dance to all your favorite tunes! We will work on dance steps, turns and combinations as well as learning interactive dances to all your favorite songs. This program will enhance your gross motor skills and enourage socialization. Grab your dancing shoes and get out on the dance floor! Be sure to wear workout clothes and bring a bottle of water. All participants must be able to wear a face covering the entire time.

    Program held in the Dance Room at Bettenhausen Rec Center.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableLet's Dance03/10/21- 04/28/21W 7:15 PM- 8:15 PMTony Bettenhausen ReItem Details

    42921 - Fitness & Fun

    Take time for fun and fitness - it is good for the body and the mind. Join your friends and keep in shape by exercising and using a variety of workout equipment.This is a great opportunity to enhance coordination, balance, strength and muscle tone. Participants must be able to work successfully in a 1:4 staff to participant ratio. Be sure to wear workout clothes and bring a bottle of water. Participants must wear a face covering for the entire program.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableFitness & Fun03/13/21- 05/01/21Sa10:00 AM- 11:00 AMPark DistrictItem Details

    42944 - Softball Skills-NEW!

    Calling all SSSRA athletes! It's almost baseball/softball season so it's time for us to hit the diamond and work on our skills. We will be working on our fielding, pitching, hitting and base running. Whether you've been playing for years or are trying it for the first time; we welcome all ability levels. Make sure to bring your glove and a water bottle. Participants must be able to wear a face covering the entire time.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableSoftball Skills-NEW!03/09/21- 04/27/21Tu 5:00 PM- 6:00 PMHomewoodItem Details

    43521 - Monday Meet-Up-New!

    It’s Monday, so that means it’s a great time to meet up with our friends! Come join us as we play games, sports, and enjoy a safe space to play! Participants must be able to wear a face covering the entire time. Due to the Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation this program is Free to Residents!

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    Read NoticeUnavailableMonday Meet-Up-New!03/08/21- 04/26/21M 4:30 PM- 5:30 PMTinley ParkItem Details

    45203 - Virtual Bingo

    Join us for everyone’s favorite game! Whether you have 5 across, up and down, or diagonal, yell BINGO. Stay the whole time or play only a few games, we are just excited to see you!
    Due to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor, this program is offered free of charge for all participants.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableVirtual Bingo03/10/21- 04/28/21W11:00 AM- 12:00 PMONLINE CLASSItem Details

    45204 - Virtual Kitchen Fun

    Join SSSRA as we learn to cook and bake, simple and tasty recipes. Each week, we will make something that you are sure to enjoy! You will be provided the recipe and a list of ingredients for each week. Bon Appetite!!

    Due to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor, this program is being offered free of charge for all participants.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableVirtual Kitchen Fun03/09/21- 04/27/21Tu11:00 AM- 11:30 AMONLINE CLASSItem Details

    45216 - Virtual Friday Night Social

    Join us for some virtual Friday night fun! We will meet every other week virtually to enjoy different activities from the comfort of home.

    Due to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor, this program is offered free of charge.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableVirtual Friday Night03/12/21- 04/23/21VariesVariesVariesItem Details

    45217 - Virt Friends Night In

    Enjoy an evening with your SSSRA firends! We may play some games or have good conversation. You won't want to miss seeing your friends!

    Due to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor, this program is offered free of charge to all participants.

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    Read NoticeUnavailableVirt Friends Night I03/08/21- 04/26/21M 6:30 PM- 7:00 PMONLINE CLASSItem Details
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